Version 0.3.5 was a major patch released on the 20th of March 2013.
- Early multiplayer component implemented in Fort Defense.
- Added multiplayer setup menu to create a server, IP to join will be used.
- Resource system for Fort Defense mode.
- Added "grab" function.
- Players can flip vehicles over.
- Desert themed Fort Wars level.
- Implemented a chat, kick and ban system.
- Solved some network movement issues.
- Lobby system displaying ping/gametype and server name.
- Fixed certain character problems.
- Fatigue system, player screaming during falls.
- Players can go prone.
- Major movement changes.
Blocks and Resources[]
- Added stairs and ramps
- Added pallet system
- Implemented different types of material durability.
- Pallets will act as physical objects which can be thrown at other players.
- Optimized 3D tileset merging process and LODs - related memory bug fixed.
- Optimized particle effects for explosions.
- New login system.
- The ingame login system has been rebuilt and now makes use of simple 3D menus and is fully stable. It will be included in the next update.
- Giant Leeches may spawn, rate at wich they do spawn is unknown.
- Added glass shattering particles for the VAT.
- Option to switch between online and offline play.
- New flying enemy.
- AI tweaks.
- Implement sound system for vehicles.
- Improved vehicle physics.
- Multi threading support.
- Fixed some bugs with the rocket and laser turrets.
- Enemies use a special physics movement system as the player.
The following minor patches followed this version.
Version 0.3.5b[]
- Chat window has a history which can be viewed by pressing [ENTER].
- Chat history can be scrolled via your Mouse Wheel.
- Network connection status is logged on-screen while attempting to join servers, create servers, etc.
- Texture sizes reduced: 4x Smaller on Fastest, 2x Smaller on Fast, Simple and Good.
- Activate, Respawn and Drop (default [E], [R] and [X]) keys will not trigger while in chat or other menus.
- Resetting the level or disconnecting does not cause lag; clearing of all blocks will not cause audio nor particle spam.
- Failure to connect to our servers to download StarForge account info does not prevent users from playing the game. (Steam account still required.)
- Pallets spawn rapidly in Creative mode - as opposed to almost not at all.
- The server host pressing [Q] will not cause server-wide slow-motion.
- Pressing [C] will not cause camera to switch to the camera positions of other players.