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Glow Stick
Icon glowstick
Basic Info
Type Light Source
Resource Cost 10 Oil

The Glow Stick is a green coloured light source with a very short range and low intensity. It is throw-able like grenades and will expire a certain period after being thrown.

It is a translucent plastic tube containing multiple substances that, when combined, produce light through chemiluminescence. Once activated it can not not been turned off.

It costs 10 Oil to craft.

By default it is thrown with the 'G' key or by pressing the number key for it's respective inventory slot.



Glow Stick at night
Screenshot glow stick night

List of Craftable Items
Tools Ground Pounder - Titanium Drill - Graphene Drill - Monolithium Drill - Paint Gun - Rusty Chainsaw - Chainsaw - Repair Gun
Weapons Zip Gun - Pistol - Rusty Assault Rifle - Assault Rifle - Shotgun - Double Barrel Shotgun - Rusty Chaingun - Chaingun
Ammo Combat Ammo - Pistol Ammo - Shotgun Ammo - Utility Ammo
Throwables NAV Beacon - Glowstick - Plasma Flare - Sonar Probe - Smoke Grenade - Frag Grenade - EMP Grenade
Breach Devices Blast Charge - HEX Charge - Plasma Charge - Hacking Device
Building Materials Wood Block - Fortified Wood Block - Dirt Block - Clay Block - Cement Block - Iron Block - Steel Block - Titanium Block - Graphene Block - Monolithium Block
Doors Fortified Wood Door - Fortified Wood Garage Door - Iron Door - Iron Garage Door - Steel Door - Steel Garage Door
Defences Laser Tower - Laser Turret - Minigun Turret - Rocket Turret - Radar Tower - Slammer Turret - L-Slammer Turret - Twister Turret - Verticle Slammer Turret
Utility Smelter - Beacon light - Bed - Bedroll - Container - Flood Light Tier 1 - Forging Terminal - Protective Spire - Refinery - Search Light - Wall Light Tier 1
Power Components Small Generator - Medium Generator - Large Generator - Fusion Generator
Vehicles Trailer - Buggy - Hovership Basic - Hovership Single - Hovership Double - Hovership Speedy